At AME, we adventure better.
AME is built on the ideas, commitment and resilience of our people. But it’s our spirit for adventure that sets us apart. We are curious minds backed by unwavering ambition, and resolute in our quest to continuously improve offshore operations.
That means we ask the questions that others don’t, and put in the work when others won’t. We keep pushing forward in pursuit of perfection, because we know that good enough isn’t ‘good enough’ for us. There’s always a better way.
To be the company that:
People want to work for.
Clients want to work with.
And everyone remembers.
To make offshore drilling, completion and decommissioning activities safer and more
The Adventure Club
We’re a team of engineers, managers, technicians and operators with a restless ambition and spirit for adventure.
Innovation without boundaries
From our products to our people, we pursue innovation with the belief that anything is possible.
Quality, Health, Safety and Environment
At AME, we’re committed to continually improving the quality of our products and services while protecting our people, the environment and our equipment. To achieve these goals, AME maintains accreditations in ISO 9001, OHSAS18001, AS/NZS4801 and ISO 14001.
AME expects an active commitment to, and the accountability of, its people in all QHSE matters. We achieve this by maintaining strong communication within our team, whilst having a robust recording and reporting regime, as well as strong leadership from company directors all the way through to our stakeholders. This ensures compliance with our statutory and moral obligations.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Responsible for reducing risk.
AME is committed to delivering proprietary equipment that makes drilling, completion and decommissioning activities safer and more efficient.
We are proud to provide services that allow our clients to take an ALARP (As Low As Reasonably Practicable) approach to managing the risks of a Major Accident Event.
As an industry-leader in safety, we understand the need to manage risks with an ALARP approach. When there are cost-effective and simple solutions available, they should be implemented at all times.